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BA Volunteer Our Impact

Our Impact

Bendrigg Alternative Volunteer

Anonymous BA Volunteer

Bendrigg and I

How do I begin to tell you of the beautiful, caring place that is Bendrigg and all the wonderful people that are there…

From the core of Bendrigg there is a sense of being and purpose that has one aim, to care.

I came across Bendrigg at my lowest ebb through the Bendrigg Alternative Scheme which is for serving prisoners who have shown progression and gained a little trust to go and help with maintaining the site and be a helping hand to groups who attend.

Bendrigg was an outlet for me. A place where I was treated as a person, not a number, somewhere that I could show that I am able to integrate in society and affect positive change. Not just a change for me, but also for those who come to Bendrigg and use the facilities and have access to the staff and teaching that make it so great.

The facilities are second to none and have a team of instructors that are on top of their game, their knowledge and skills make everything accessible. No matter what your level of ability or confidence in completing tasks, after spending time there, the change I saw in myself and what you see in people who come there,  is immeasurable.

I have been lucky enough to see this first hand, to be part of it, to see young adults who struggle to come out of their shell on day one of their trip to the last day when nothing is stopping them.

Once you have been to Bendrigg… it stays with you. Bendrigg never leaves you and will help in every aspect of your life once you leave. That goes for me and for the people that come to experience outdoor activities.

The only wish I have for Bendrigg is that every person knows about it, that every person gets to visit this place,  that every offender eligible gets to experience it, as it is life changing.

My life is in a great place now and that in no small part is down to everything that is The Bendrigg Trust.

Thank you Bendrigg, Thank you to the staff (too many to mention) and to the groups I worked with. You allowed me to dream of a better day… and that day came!